
CaliberX supports idempotency to avoid inadvertently repeating requests.

Each API request which should be idempotent must include a distinct idempotency key, you can set this using the "caliber-idempotency-key" in the header. This key enables the CaliberX platform to identify the specific API request. It is recommended to use a unique internal UUID stored in your database as the idempotency key.

When you make a request twice with the same idempotency key, the second request will always return a cached response, and no state will be updated on the server.

Idempotent requests are optional, so you can still make API requests without them, but we do recommend using them where possible. All POST and PATCH requests support idempotency.

Idempotency can be helpful if you are instructing us to create an order, create an individual or account for instance.


  • Idempotency keys will expire after 24 hours