Instrument Performance

Target and Current Fund Performance

When a fund is in its initial fundraising phase (open), it will not have current or historical performance data, but target performance statistics will be available. Once the fund is closed, quarterly Net Asset Value (NAV) updates will typically be provided, which will reflect the current performance of the fund.

Target Performance

IRRThis is the projected Internal Rate of Return (IRR), based on the median performance of underlying funds.
MOICThis is the projected Multiple On Invested Capital (MOIC), derived from the median MOIC of the underlying funds.

Current Performance

NAVThe latest Net Asset Value of the fund.
IRRThe Internal Rate of Return calculated up to the most recent date since the inception of the fund.
MOICThe current Multiple On Invested Capital.
RVPIThe Residual Value to Paid-In Capital as of the latest update.
DPIThe Distribution to Paid-In Capital based on the most recent calculation.
TVPIThe Total Value to Paid-In Capital as per the latest update.
Last Updated DateThe date of the most recent update to the performance data.
  "performance": {
    "current": {
      "nav": {
        "value": 1000000000,
        "currency": "USD"
      "irr": 22.0,
      "moic": 2.0,
      "tvpi": 2.0,
      "dpi": 2.0,
      "rvpi": 2.0,
      "last_updated": "2019-08-24"
    "target": {
      "irr": 22.0,
      "moic": 2.0